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Take Action to Stop Fast Track:

*** Maps used for this video are from the Wikimedia Commons and include countries who have announced interest in joining and potential future members of the TPP. The delineation is by color.

TTIP map used:

TPP map used:

Maps are used under the GNU Free Documentation License and the certification that the copyright holder of the work, has released this work into the public domain. ****

Trade treaties are a mystery, and there is a good reason for that

They are negotiated in secret.

The Obama Administration is trying to pass two new major trade treaties—one with Europe called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP

and the other - with almost all of Asia and a good part of South America, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.

There are many reasons to say no to these trade treaties.

Take Local Food.

Trade negotiators call programs like Farm to School and Buy America “localization barriers” because they give preference to local producers and economies rather than multinational corporations with their global supply chains.

Or how about food safety?

Under TTIP and TPP food safety regulations are subject to challenge by corporations. Legislation in such areas as GMO labeling, hormone additives in animal feed and the banning of chemical rinses used in animal processing will be jeopardized.

Millions of people will also be denied access to healthy local foods while farm workers will endure increased exposure to toxic chemicals.

Simply put, free trade treaties are a bad deal for citizens. President Obama would like Congress to give up its authority to review and amend trade treaties through a thing called Fast Track. Under this, Congress can only vote up or down and make no amendments to the treaty text.

Negotiated in secret and putting corporate interests over citizens’, it’s no wonder people don’t like free trade agreements.

Tell Congress to stop Fast Track!