United States Senate

Office of the Majority Leader

Washington, DC 20510-7020


November 1, 2001


Ms. Barbara Tobias

Director OES/ETC

Department of State

Washington, DC 20236


Dear Director Tobias,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding negotiations related to rights of farmers in the use of agricultural seed. I urge you to do all that you and the U.S. delegation can to oppose any provisions that limit farmers’ rights in this regard.

Specifically, I suggest proposals to exempt farmers from paying royalties on patented farm animals and technical fees on seeds that have been genetically modified. We support their rights to plant seed derived from proprietary organisms on their own land, and a prohibition on the development and selling of seeds that are sterile. Additionally, patent holders or owners of genetically modified organisms and related technology should be liable for health, safety and environmental impacts. Finally, any damages caused by farmers through lower prices, lost markets or contamination due to genetically modified products should be reimbursed by the company producing any such product.

In sum, I believe, like many of my colleagues in the Congress, that agricultural research and resulting products or processes funded by and conducted in the public domain should remain in the public domain.

Thank you for your assistance on this important matter.


Tom Daschle.