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This series of briefing papers takes an in-depth look at policies in the 2007 Farm Bill and how they affect not just farmers but entire rural communities, the environment, our health, immigration and hunger on both a local and global levels.

A Fair Farm Bill for America: An overview of the 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, including agricultural legislative history and how the Farm Bill effects energy, health, conservation, the environment. market concentration, labor and immigration, hunger and rural communities.

A Fair Farm Bill and Immigration: How the Farm Bill combined with a free trade agenda became one of the root causes of immigration to the U.S. Solutions for reforming parts of the Farm Bill to have positive impacts on family farmers in rural Mexico and the U.S. are presented.

A Fair Farm Bill for Competitive Markets: Focuses on how to restore competition to U.S. agricultural markets and address the market power of agribusiness.

A Fair Farm Bill for Conservation: Analyzes the history of conservation programs in the Farm Bill and makes recommendations for improving them.

A Fair Farm Bill for Public Health: Outlines some of the ways agricultural policy affects public health and proposes policy solutions to support healthier and more sustainable food and farming systems which in turn has a positive impact on public health.

A Fair Farm Bill for Renewable Energy: Covers a range of issues that influence how and what crops are grown for renewable energy.

A Fair Farm Bill for Taxpayers: Examines how a smarter investment in taxpayer dollars could bring greater societal benefits in a new Farm Bill.

A Fair Farm Bill for the World: How the 2007 Farm Bill may affect the world including trade, the World Trade Organization, food aid, market concentration and public health. The French translation is included.

A Fair Farm Bill for the World’s Hungry: A hard look at how U.S. farm policy impacts global hunger and recommendations for reform.

See "Understanding the Farm Bill" for continued analysis by IATP of the 2007 Farm Bill

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