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Leaders of the effort to establish permanent normal trade relations with China are counting on a natural reservoir of support in the upcoming House fight over the issue--members from agricultural districts. But a CongressDaily survey of House members on the question of PNTR shows members of agricultural committees have not rallied to support PNTR in overwhelming numbers. Only 20 members--12 Republicans and eight Democrats--on the 48-member House Agriculture panel are committed to voting for PNTR, according to the survey. Two additional Republicans on the House Agriculture panel said they are "leaning" in favor of PNTR. Eight Republicans and six Democrats on the committee are uncommitted. Nine members--three Republicans and six Democrats-- said they plan to vote against PNTR and another Democrat said he is leaning against PNTR. The remaining Ag Committee members declined to respond to the survey. On the House Agriculture Appropriations subpanel, a spokesman for Chairman Joe Skeen, R-N.M., said he had "not yet" discussed the issue. Subcommittee ranking member Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, who often opposes trade deals, said she is leaning against PNTR. House Agriculture ranking member Charles Stenholm, D-Texas, is an advocate of PNTR, but apparently has been unable to convince other Texas Democrats to support it. No Texas Democrat voiced firm opposition to the measure, but 10 Democrats said they were undecided--and two did not respond to the survey. Three Texas Democrats are leaning in favor of PNTR, and Rep. Ciro Rodriguez said he is leaning against. Among Texas Republicans, 10 said they will vote yes; two are undecided, and only Rep. Joe Barton is opposed. -- By Jerry Hagstrom:

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