Letter to the U.S. Senate

The letter proposes deletions and alternative language to the "Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010" that would carve out regulatory exemptions for trades between Coalition members and the financial institutions that trade in unregulated "dark markets."

Joint Principles for Regulation of the U.S. Financial and Commodity Derivatives Markets

These Principles constitute a common platform for a group of more than 60 consumer groups, business associations, farmer organizations, NGOs, energy traders and independent financial analysts. The platform will be used to persuade the U.S. Congress and regulators to regulate financial and commodity derivatives stringently to prevent another financial industry debacle, and economic crisis.

While FDA fiddles, dangerous antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strikes again

 KAW press release on resistant Salmonella outbreaks A recent outbreak of beef-borne Salmonella Newport in Colorado and other Western states was caused by a microbe resistant to cephalosporin antibiotics. These antibiotics continue to be used “off label” a year after the Bush Administration’s Food and Drug Administration tabled plans to ban this use

Citizen Petition Seeking Withdrawal of Roxarsone and Certain Other Arsenical Additives in Animal Feed

Today, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling for the immediate withdrawal of approvals for all animal drug applications for arsenic-containing compounds used in animal feed. Arsenic is used to promote faster weight gain on less feed and creating the appearance of a hea