
KAW Letter to Sunflower Markets on Stocking Meat and Poultry Raised With Fewer Antibiotics

Letter congratulating the Director of Sunflower Markets for opening a new store that will stock meat and poultry raised without the routine use of antibiotics. The letter acknowledges how stores such as Sunflower Market have increased the demand for meat and poultry raised with fewer antibiotics and how that helps with the meat production industry is changing its ways.  

Smart Produce Guide

Pesticide residue levels on produce vary depending on the type and how it is grown. This guide will help with choosing fruits and vegetables that have lower residues, avoiding other contaminates affecting produce and information on locally produced and organic foods. Both the long and short versions are included.

Monsanto Gets Partial Win In EU On Product

European Union governments deadlocked Monday on an application to allow imports of a herbicide-resistant corn for human consumption, but the bloc's executive body approved the same product's use for animal feed. The opposing decisions reflect continuing divisions on genetically modified crops, despite the lifting last spring of Europe's de facto moratorium on new products.

Ethanol Imports From Brazil Up Over 400 Percent

ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddFood, seed, and industrial (FSI) use of corn in 2004/05 is expected to total 2.68 billion bushels, unchanged from last month, USDA noted today in its monthly Feed Outlook Report. In 2003/04, FSI use is expected to total 2,565 million bushels, up 10 million from last month because of a 10-million-bushel increase in starch use.