Sarah Goldman

Sarah Goldman Headshot

Sarah Goldman is a law student at Georgetown University Law Center (JD '26). Previously, she served as a federal policy organizer for the Land Stewardship Project, where she mobilized farmers to take action on federal agriculture policy issues and, most recently, led the Land Stewardship Project’s 2023 Farm Bill campaign. Prior to joining the Land Stewardship Project, Sarah worked as a Senior Research Program Coordinator for the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, where, among other things, she was the lead author of the report, “Essential and in Crisis: A Review of the Public Health Threats Facing Farmworkers in the U.S.” Sarah also served as an Emerson National Hunger Fellow through the Congressional Hunger Center and in this role worked with the National Farm to School Network and the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative. Sarah has a degree in environmental studies from Carleton College and founded an experiential agriculture program in Southern Minnesota while a student in Northfield, Minnesota.  

Articles by Sarah Goldman