
KAW coalition one of "Winners of 2003"

In its January 5, 2004 issue, the food industry trade journal, "Food Chemical News," cited the Keep Antibiotics Working coalition as one of the "winners" of 2003 for "getting the legislation it is backing, the Snowe-Kennedy bill, introduced in the Senate (S 1460) and in the House (HR 2932). The measure would prohibit the routine use of medically important antibiotics in healthy food animals.

Keep Antibiotics Working Coalition winner in 2003, says Food Chemical News

In its January 5, 2004 issue, the food industry trade journal, "Food Chemical News," cited the Keep Antibiotics Working coalition as one of the "winners" of 2003 for "getting the legislation it is backing, the Snowe-Kennedy bill, introduced in the Senate (S 1460) and in the House (HR 2932). The measure would prohibit the routine use of medically important antibiotics in healthy food animals.

McDonald's Will Tell Meat Suppliers to Cut Antibiotics Use

Washington Post | By Marc Kaufman | June 19, 2003 In response to increasingly dire warnings that widespread use of antibiotics on U.S. farms is making the drugs less effective for treating people, the fast-food chain McDonald's is directing some meat suppliers to stop using antibiotic growth promoters altogether and encouraging others to cut back.

Group Letter to Representatives Regarding MUMS Bill

Joint letter from more than 100 health, consumer, environmental and other groups to U.S. Representatives urging them to remove a provision of a bill that would worsen the human crisis of bacteria getting increasingly resistant to antibiotics.