Publication archives

Sophia Murphy
On Oct. 21, representatives of the world’s governments will gather in Cali, Colombia for two weeks of negotiations, side events and maybe some big announcements, too. They will meet as the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD).
Opening ceremony of COP16 Colombia
Lilly Richard
In South Dakota, Iowa and all across factory farm country, everyday people are stepping up and organizing their neighbors to prevent factory farms from being built in their communities. How to fight a factory farm? People power.
How to Fight a Factory Farm
Lilly Richard
What does it mean to get big or get out? As CAFOs began to take over livestock production in the U.S. through the 1990s, the consequences of this corporate-controlled, vertically-integrated system rippled throughout rural economies, putting smaller independent farmers and their suppliers out of business, and trapping others in debt and dependence on exploitative meat companies.
How to Fight a Factory Farm
Dr. Steve Suppan
The following comments were submitted electronically via to UNFCCC Chair Ms. Maria Al Jishi and Vice Chair Mr.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Negotiators from 12 government members (“Parties”) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meet Oct. 5-9 to try to agree on the terms of several texts required for Parties to begin selling greenhouse gas emissions reduction credits to “Non-Parties,” mostly private investors.
Smokestack with a foggy sky
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Agricultural commodity exports are driving deforestation around the world, spurred by consumer demand and directed by enormous agribusiness and finance interests.
Peru forests burning
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Over the last few years, several new trade-related initiatives designed to slow deforestation associated with the trade of agricultural commodities have come into focus. While they represent a fresh approach to a vexing intersection of problems, they can work at cross purposes with other policies.
Ben Lilliston
The Congressional staffer moved up in their chair and looked up from the notepad with a quizzical expression. These farmers were asking for more regulation of the meat industry? They didn’t like factory farming and what it was doing to rural communities? And they wanted the government to stop subsidizing this factory farm system for livestock and dairy?
A crowd of anti factory farm advocates speaking outside the Iowa state capitol