Percolate: TTIP: The Biggest Trade Agreement You've Never Heard Of

July 23rd at 6:00pm CDT - July 23rd at 7:30pm CDT

Percolate: TTIP: The Biggest Trade Agreement You've Never Heard Of

Negotiators from the U.S. and Europe are busy working on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP. If passed, this would be the biggest trade agreement ever, with impacts far beyond what most people think of as "trade," and could seriously erode public goods and "the Commons" on both sides of the ocean.

Join IATP's international trade expert Steve Suppan for a discussion of this behemoth free trade pact, how it could affect you and your community, and why so much of the official debate on something so important is being held in secret.

Please register for the inperson event by contacting Marin Byrne at or (612) 870-3411 or view the livestream on our YouTube channel.

Live stream will start at 6:00pm CST

Percolate is an opportunity, every other month, to join IATP in discussions about food, farming and trade. This isn’t just another lecture—come ready to participate!