
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Health Risks from Air Pollution

Just 5% of U.S. farms account for 54% of its beef and dairy cattle, swine, and poultry, concentrating manure as well as animals. These industrial-scale operations, called CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) or factory farms, produce 575 billion pounds of manure yearly. Manure concentration contributes to air and water

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Health Risks from Air Pollution

Just 5% of U.S. farms account for 54% of its beef and dairy cattle, swine, and poultry, concentrating manure as well as animals. These industrial scale operations, called CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) or factory farms, produce 575 billion pounds of manure yearly. Manure concentration contributes to air and water

Farm And Lawn Fertilizers From Minnesota Are Killing Marine Life Downstream In The Gulf Of Mexico

What's good for Minnesota's corn and soybeans can be deadly to crabs and shrimp in Louisiana. A national task force meeting in St. Paul last week heard that fertilizer from farm fields washing down the Mississippi River continues to help create a seasonal "dead zone" that this year extends across 5,800 square miles of the Gulf Coast.

Making Fish Healthier to Eat: EPA Proposal Raises Hurdles

Widespread pollution in Minnesota, as in other states, has prompted statewide fish consumption advisories based on mercury. Government agencies acknowledge exposure threatens child development, their response is largely limited to reducing exposure - warning women to watch how much fish they eat - putting the burden on the individual to tackle the problem.