
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

How to Fight a Factory Farm Episode Two: The Price We Pay

What does it mean to get big or get out? As CAFOs began to take over livestock production in the U.S. through the 1990s, the consequences of this corporate-controlled, vertically-integrated system rippled throughout rural economies, putting smaller independent farmers and their suppliers out of business, and trapping others in debt and dependence on exploitative meat companies.

Speaking on Factory Farms

The Congressional staffer moved up in their chair and looked up from the notepad with a quizzical expression. These farmers were asking for more regulation of the meat industry? They didn’t like factory farming and what it was doing to rural communities? And they wanted the government to stop subsidizing this factory farm system for livestock and dairy?

Addressing climate change risks in import dependent and major food producing countries

This paper provides an analysis of how current and projected climate change risks are affecting production and trade by the major cereal producers, exporters and importers in international markets. We focus on maize (corn), rice and wheat, which together account for the largest share of global food staples and over 60% of global food calories.