Factory farms

KAW Letter to Sunflower Markets on Stocking Meat and Poultry Raised With Fewer Antibiotics

Letter congratulating the Director of Sunflower Markets for opening a new store that will stock meat and poultry raised without the routine use of antibiotics. The letter acknowledges how stores such as Sunflower Market have increased the demand for meat and poultry raised with fewer antibiotics and how that helps with the meat production industry is changing its ways.  

Mad Cow and the Agony of the Cattle and Beef Markets

Can a country have "less than two (BSE) cases per million (cattle) during each of the last four consecutive 12 month periods" and still be considered a "minimal risk country" for purposes of international trade and not put public health at risk? This paper takes a hard look at the subject, including how the USDA fits into the equation.  

Poultry on Antibiotics: Hazards to Human Health

The first study to examine brand-name poultry products prominent in grocery stores for the presence of multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including resistance to important antibiotics relied upon to treat human infections like Ciprofloxacin (Cipro), Synercid, and Tetracycline. This report is a joint effort by the Sierra Club and IATP.